Bridesmaid Bouquet
We believe even the smallest details should shine. This petite bouquet, brimming with gorgeous blooms, is perfect for bridesmaids, a maid of honor, or any VIP in your wedding party. Hand-tied and finished with a double-faced satin ribbon in a coordinating hue, it’s a bit weird. a lot delightful. and the perfect touch of floral magic for your special day.
We believe even the smallest details should shine. This petite bouquet, brimming with gorgeous blooms, is perfect for bridesmaids, a maid of honor, or any VIP in your wedding party. Hand-tied and finished with a double-faced satin ribbon in a coordinating hue, it’s a bit weird. a lot delightful. and the perfect touch of floral magic for your special day.
We believe even the smallest details should shine. This petite bouquet, brimming with gorgeous blooms, is perfect for bridesmaids, a maid of honor, or any VIP in your wedding party. Hand-tied and finished with a double-faced satin ribbon in a coordinating hue, it’s a bit weird. a lot delightful. and the perfect touch of floral magic for your special day.