Refined Bridal Bouquet


We bring unexpected flair to life—even in the classics. This timeless wedding bouquet is brimming with stunning blooms, hand-tied, and finished with a double-faced satin ribbon in a coordinating hue. a bit weird. a lot delightful. and always beautiful, it’s a perfect choice for a bride or an elevated touch for a bridesmaid or maid of honor.

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We bring unexpected flair to life—even in the classics. This timeless wedding bouquet is brimming with stunning blooms, hand-tied, and finished with a double-faced satin ribbon in a coordinating hue. a bit weird. a lot delightful. and always beautiful, it’s a perfect choice for a bride or an elevated touch for a bridesmaid or maid of honor.

We bring unexpected flair to life—even in the classics. This timeless wedding bouquet is brimming with stunning blooms, hand-tied, and finished with a double-faced satin ribbon in a coordinating hue. a bit weird. a lot delightful. and always beautiful, it’s a perfect choice for a bride or an elevated touch for a bridesmaid or maid of honor.